12. Theon and Ramsay: «Who I Am, Why I’m Doing This to You?»

Why is Theon tortured in season 3, what did Ramsay do to Theon

Why George Martin and the creators of the serial show us scenes of torture of Theon Greyjoy by Ramsay Snow? A key question which should be set to yourself at the sight of Ramsay’s cruelty, is voiced through him: «Who I am. Why I’m doing this to you?» The answer is in this video.

The sequel about Theon and Ramsay is here: 13. Why Has Theon Greyjoy Changed His Name to Reek? 

The text of the video about why is Ramsay torturing Theon

The actions of Ramsay in relation to Theon can be compared with Theon’s actions.

  1. Having become Ned Stark’s hostage, Theon has endured treachery of his father. Theon: «You act as if I volunteered to go. You gave me away, if you remember». But Theon doesn’t learn the lesson and commits treachery himself. Theon: «My sword is yours in victory and defeat, from this day until my last day». Theon not only violates the oath, but also attacks the unprotected castle of the Starks. Theon: «I’ve taken Winterfell». The price paid for treachery. Theon is betrayed by the ironborn, they hand him over to Ramsay, who teaches Theon an object lesson: pretends that he is saving him, Ramsay: «I’ll come for you tonight when the castle sleeps», pretends he is helping Theon, and then betrays him. Ramsay: «I brought him back. He… He killed the others» — Theon: «What? No, I didn’t. You can’t!.. No!» Having played this performance, Ramsay forces Theon to learn treachery by experience. Ramsay: «Put him back where he belongs».
  2. The price paid for what he frightens and doesn’t allow (Brandon) to sleep. Ramsay blows the horn and doesn’t allow Theon to sleep either.
  3. Yara: «Then you made them prisoners in their home and they ran away. Is that treachery? I’d call it bravery» — Theon: «They made me a promise» — Yara: «Your little boy prisoners made your a promise and you got mad when they broke it?» Theon: «If I find them soon enough, I won’t hurt them. Well, I’ll hurt them, but I won’t kill them». The price paid for the relation to an escape. A man clothed as Ironborn: «You know how we deal with runaways?»
  4. Theon: «Enjoying your first hunt?» — Maester Luwin: «So far, hunting seems very similar to riding, My Lord» — Theon: «With hunting, there’s blood at the end». The price paid for hunting people with hounds. Theon hs to watch Ramsay hunting people with hounds. Ramsay: «Rip her! Rip her! Rip her!»
  5. Theon: «It’s better to be cruel than weak». Brandon: «Please!.. Please, don’t!» The price paid for cruelty. Theon: «Please!» Ramsay is cruel with Theon.
  6. Theon cuts off a head of Ser Rodrik. The price paid for the protracted torture. Ramsay is cutting Theon’s finger.
  7. Ramsay: «You win the game if you can figure out who I am and why I’m torturing you, and I win the game if you beg me to cut off your finger». Theon: «I betrayed Robb. That’s why you’re torturing me». The price paid for the betrayal of a liege lord. For the betrayal of the liege lord Theon at first loses a sword, and then a finger of the right hand with which holds a sword. But not the entire hand, because Theon has a chance to change and to serve faithfully.
  8. Instead of creating a family and procreation, Theon gives vent to lust. Theon: «You can tell your grandchildren about this night» — Yara: «I don’t imagine it will be a story fit for children». Inclination to women is a weakness of Theon. Ramsay: «Everyone knows you love girls». At the sight of girls Theon loses his head. Theon: «Please». Theon hasn’t learned the lesson. Ramsay: «You say «please» again and you’ll wish you hadn’t». The price paid for lust. Yara: «Anything with a cock is easy to fool». Having deprived of it, Ramsay frees Theon from his weakness.

Thus, Ramsay is a tool punishing Theon for each mistake. Theon: «I deserved everything». Theon: «If I got justice, my burnt body would hang over the gates of Winterfell». Traitors must die according to the logic of George Martin and the creators of the serial, but they have mercy on Theon. Ramsay: «This is mercy. I’m not killing you. Jist making a few alterations». Ramsay: «You’re no good to me dead. We need you».

Through comprehension of betrayal, Ramsay completely changes Theon: turns him from a negative character into a positive one. Roose Bolton: «What did you do to him?» — Ramsay: «I trained him. He was a slow learner, but he learned».

Theon transforms farm boys beyond recognition to use them for own purposes. Theon: «I let Dagmer slit their throats and let him burn the bodies, so I could keep Winterfell». And Ramsay transforms Theon beyond recognition to use him for own purposes. Ramsay: «Bring me Moat Cailin».

Theon has changed so much that gets a new name. Ramsay: «What is your name?» — Theon: «My name is… Reek». Why Has Theon Greyjoy Changed His Name to Reek? The House Greyjoy Is the House of Traitors.

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