Alicent and the Green Dress

Why Alicent Hightower is wearing a green dress

At Rhaenyra's wedding, Alicent comes to the top of the stairs in a green dress, interrupting the king's speech and attracting attention to herself.

Larys: “The beacon on the High Tower. Do you know what color it glows when Oldtown calls it banners to war?” – “Green?” That is, the people of the Reach go to war like children.

In cinema, color has a meaning and is a symbol of something.

it is generally accepted that the green color symbolizes nature, development, renewal, youth, childhood, children, immaturity, inexperience, unpreparedness, untrained, etc.

Alicent, wearing the green dress, shows those present that she declares war on Rhaenyra as a pretender to the throne.

From that moment on, Alicent is shown in green clothes, which symbolizes her childishness, inexperience, immaturity. Just as in her youth, Alicent argues with her father, prevents him from fighting Rhaenyra's camp, acts contrary in a futile attempt to reconcile everyone.

And Alicent also reacts to the tricks of Larys like a child. Out of fear and helplessness, making an immature decision to use his help.

In green, the authors show that she never became a real queen, but remained a child. Perhaps because, as queen, Alicent is out of place.

The text of the video about Alicent Hightower

The Citadel lantern highlights the symbols in the series “Game of Thrones.

In cinema, it is generally accepted that the green color symbolizes nature, development, renewal, youth, childhood, children, immaturity, inexperience, unpreparedness, untrained, etc.

Consider the use of green in three films, where it is presented very clearly and vividly:


“Magnificent Century”,

“House of the Dragon”.

In the Russian film “Dreams” by Karen Shakhnazarov and Alexander Borodyansky, the main character, Countess Prizorova symbolizes Russia. She is invited to wear a green (light green) dress – a symbol of youth, renewal and development, a symbol of the new.

The green color in “Dreams” is a symbol of nature, youth, newness, renewal, development.

But Countess Prizorova – in a dream, a young girl, quota worker - cut off this dress that is, a renewal, for the sake of showiness, making it indecent and scandalous.

Doctor: “Yes, this is a real scandal” - Count Prizorov: “That's not the word, Doctor. Imagine, the Grand Duke, the Grand Duchess, the whole world, and my wife in such a skirt” - “Why did she come up with such an idea?” “The fact is that in her dreams she wears just such a skirt.”

But at the end of the film, there is a hope for renewal and recovery from the devastation. This is shown by two symbols: a portrait of Countess Prizorova from a century ago and a sunrise against a background of green nature. The main characters, both in the dream and in reality, return from the city to nature to true values.

In the Turkish TV series “Magnificent Century” the meaning of green is more concretized – not just renewal, development, something new, but a child, an heir.

The green color in the “Magnificent Century” is a symbol of a child, an heir.

Mahidevran is often dressed in a dark green dress, because she is the mother of the eldest heir the shehzade Mustafa. Hurrem appears in a green dress as soon as it turns out that she is pregnant with Mehmed. In this scene, the equality of Hurrem and Mahidevran is symbolically shown by the green color of the dresses: now they are both mothers of the heirs.

In “Game of Thrones”, green also denotes nature, a tree, a child, children, youth, childishness, childish behavior, immaturity, inexperience. “Young is green.”

The green color in “Game of Thrones” is a symbol of nature, a tree, a child, children, childishness, childish behavior, immaturity, inexperience.

This is confirmed by the phrases:

Umber: “A boy so green he pisses grass”

Tywin: “A green boy”

This is said about Robb Stark, who is inexperienced and, while waging war, makes immature decisions, violates the rule of the game "An oath is an oath" and eventually dies.

Children of the Forest – children of nature – green, immature and inexperienced from fear created the Night King.

Leaf: “We were being slaughtered. Our sacred trees cut down”

Larys: “The beacon on the High Tower. Do you know what color it glows when Oldtown calls it banners to war?” – “Green?”

That is, the people of the Reach go to war like children.

Reinys: “The Greens are coming for you”.

The Meaning of the Green Dress of Alicent Hightower

And Alicent declares war on Rhaenyra at her wedding, appearing in a green dress like a beacon that everyone is guided by. From that moment on, Alicent is shown in green clothes, which symbolizes her childishness, inexperience, immaturity. Just as in her youth, Alicent argues with her father, prevents him from fighting Rhaenyra's camp, acts contrary in a futile attempt to reconcile everyone.

And Alicent also reacts to the tricks of Larys like a child. Out of fear and helplessness, making an immature decision to use his help.

In green, the authors show that she never became a real queen, but remained a child. Perhaps because, as queen, Alicent is out of place.

Alicent Hightower is a Flower-outsider

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