In Prospect

Jon Snow – The path of the hero-savior – is a series of videos about Jon Snow and the related characters – Samwell Tarly, Benjen Stark, Ygritte, Mance, Tormund and others. In each season, events related to the actions of Jon Snow are the subject of a separate video.

This is going to be a short series of three videos “Jon Snow – The Path of the Hero-savior”:

Jon Snow – The Path of the Hero-savior: the First Step

Jon Snow – the Path of the Hero-savior: “I went to save them. I failed”

Jon Snow – The Path of the Hero-savior: Jon Snow Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen – is a series of videos about Daenerys and the related characters – khal Drogo, Jorah Mormont and others.

“House of the Dragon” – is a series of videos about characters and symbols in the TV series “House of the Dragon” and its connection with the TV series “Game of Thrones”.

 “Game of Thrones” – Who Is Who – is a series of videos about characters and their symbols – animals. The authors correlate the instincts of animals with the behavior of the characters. The site already has three videos from this series:

“House of the Dragon” and “Game of Thrones” Who Is Who: Larys and Tyrion Are Beetles

Daenerys Is a Small Dragon

Why Has Theon Greyjoy Changed His Name to Reek? The House Greyjoy Is the House of Traitors

Sansa Stark “A Stupid Little Girl With Stupid Dreams” What Does Sansa’s Jewelry Symbolize?

Direwolves of the Starks – is a series of videos about the Starks and their direwolves.

“Game of Thrones” Sequel – is a series of videos about the future of heroes, which is based on signs and symbols. The site already has three videos from this series:

“House of the Dragon” and “Game of Thrones” Сonnection: Who Are You, The Prince That Was Promised?

“Game of Thrones” Sequel: “This Isn’t the End”: Jon Snow, Arya and Sansa Are Going to a New Serial, Bran – to Find Daenerys

A Bath (Bathing) Is a Symbol of Transition to a New Quality. Eight Baths of Theon Greyjoy

 Theon Greyjoy “What Is Dead May Never Die” – is a series of videos about Theon Greyjoy and the related characters – Ramsay Bolton, Yara and others.

Sansa Stark – is a series of videos about Sansa: her path from the beginning of the series to the finale of the cycle “Song of Ice and Fire” and the related characters.

Arya Stark – is a series of videos about Arya: her path from the beginning of the series to the finale of the cycle “Song of Ice and Fire” and the related characters – Sandor Clegane, Jaqen Hgar and others.

Brandon Stark – is a series of videos about Бране and the related characters – the Night King, Joen and others.

The Seven-Pointed Star – is a series of videos about religion in the series, the Seven and the related archetypes.

House Lannister – is a series of videos about Cersei, Jaime, Tywin, Tyrion and the related characters – Bronn, Brienne, Podrick, Varys, Petyr Baelish and others.

 House Baratheon – is a series of videos about Robert, Stannis, Gendry and the related characters – Davos, Melisandre and others.

House Tyrell – is a series of videos about lady Olenna, Margaery, Loras and the related characters – Joffrey, Томмене and others.

Малые House – is a series of videos about Small Houses and the related characters, which are much more important for the plot of the TV series "Game of Thrones" than it may seem at the moment.

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