13. Why Has Theon Greyjoy Changed His Name to Reek? The House Greyjoy Is the House of Traitors

Why is Theon called Reek? Why did Theon become Reek? Why is Reek’s character so important to Theon?

Why is it so important that Theon has ceased to consider himself a Greyjoy? Why Ramsay named Theon Reek? George Martin shows that a change of a name changes also destiny of a hero. Ramsay makes Theon loyal in contrast to the House Greyjoy: Balon, Euron, Yara Greyjoy and the ironborn, whom the authors show as traitors. And there is also in the video about a symbol of Theon — a dog.

The sequel about Theon and Ramsay is here: 14. A Bath (Bathing) Is a Symbol of Transition to a New Quality. Eight Baths of Theon Greyjoy.

The text of the video about Theon Reek and Ramsay

Greyjoys in the serial represent a betrayal.

Euron Greyjoy kills his brother.

Balon Greyjoy betrays his son, without having made any attempt to free him. Theon: «You gave me away! Your boy! Your last boy! You gave me away like I was some dog you didn’t want anymore». But Theon doesn’t learn the lesson and comes back to serve the one who has betrayed him. Theon is moving down. As well as it is necessary to expect, the father betrays Theon again. Balon Greyjoy: «Leave the North now, or more boxes will follow with more Theon… He cannot further the Greyjoy line. I will not give up the lands I have seized, the strongholds I have taken» — Yara: «He’s your son» — Balon Greyjoy: «Son? He’s not a man anymore» — Yara: «He’s your son. He’s my brother».

Yara Greyjoy betrays Theon too. Just she and the father have different reasons. But Yara also decides that she doesn’t need such Theon and leaves the brother in the hands of the sadist Ramsay, Yara: «As long as they can hurt our prince with impunity, the word «ironborn» means nothing».

The ironborn are traitors, like their lords, the Greyjoys. Roose Bolton: «The ironborn turned on Theon, as we knew they would. They handed him over trussed and hooded». They betray not only each other, but also their traditions. Kenning: «The ironborn will not surrender». Ironborn: «If we yield, we live?».

Theon: «He will be just and fair with you as he has been with me». Yara: «And flay them living, the way I flayed the 20 ironborn scum I found at Winterfell». According to the logic of George Martin, Yara and Euron Greyjoy also have to die because of someone of their own, as traitors.

The House Greyjoy is the House of Traitors. To not to be a traitor, Theon needs to stop being a Greyjoy. This is what Ramsay has achieved. Ramsay: «You don’t look like a Theon Greyjoy anymore». Theon: «He hunted him and caught him and strapped him to a cross and cut away piece after piece until there was no Theon left». Ramsay: «He’s not ironborn anymore. Not Theon Greyjoy anymore. He’s a new man… Aren’t you, Reek?» — Theon: «Yes, master».

Ramsay brings up in Theon a dog’s loyalty. Stannis: «I do like dogs. Good animals. Loyal». A dog is a symbol of loyalty. Roose Bolton: «Where is your prize?» — Ramsay: «With the hounds». One of Bolton’s men: «Last cage on the right». Theon lives, behaves and bites like a dog. A dog is a symbol of Theon, who has turned loyal. A dog is a symbol of loyal Reek.

Myranda is also faithful to Ramsay. Therefore, she is a daughter of a kennel master. Ramsay: «The kennelmaster’s daughter. She smelled of dog». And a smell of dog is a smell of loyalty.

Therefore the name Reek symbolizes on the one hand former behavior of Theon. Theon: «You all know me» — Farlen: «Aye, we know you for a steaming sack of shit». But on the other hand the smell of dog, that is loyalty. Theon: «I’m Reek! Reek! Loyal Reek! Good Reek! I’ve always been Reek!» Ramsay: «That’s a good name for you».

Theon’s service to Ramsay can be compared with service to Robb Stark. Tyrion: «Now here you are, your enemy’s squire» — Theon: «Careful, Imp». The service to Robb Stark was a test of loyalty which Theon has not passed. Therefore has received a similar test in more severe form — the service to Ramsay. Kenning: «Only a whipped dog would speak this way. Or a woman. Are you a woman, boy?» But Theon has learned the lesson and chooses to stand loyal, Theon: «Reek». The taking of Moat Cailin is a proof of loyalty of Theon.

Loyalty is rewarded. Ramsay: «We have to reward the hounds, love». Ramsay: «I have a treat for you. A reward» — Theon: «Reward?» — Ramsay: «Yes, Reek. Those creatures who came in the night, they wanted to take you away. And you didn’t let them. You remained loyal… It’s a bath. For you». A bath (bathing) is a symbol of transition to a new quality. Ramsay has transferred Theon to a new quality: from the traitor has made him loyal. A Bath (Bathing) Is a Symbol of Transition to a New Quality. Eight Baths of Theon Greyjoy.

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