14. A Bath (Bathing) Is a Symbol of Transition to a New Quality. Eight Baths of Theon Greyjoy

Theon in the bath “Game of Thrones”: Ramsay and Theon bath — the meaning of this symbol

To show Theon‘s character, George Martin and the creators of the serial use a bath (a bathing) as a symbol of transition into a new quality. During six seasons the whole eight symbolical transformations happen to Theon. This is largely due to Ramsay, who shows Theon the right path, makes loyal, transfers Theon into the new quality, washing away dirt from Theon both literally, and symbolically — Theon and Ramsay bath scene.

A symbol of Theon Greyjoy — kraken — lives in water, that is transition into a new quality for him is a usual thing. This means that Theon is constantly changing, evolving — that’s why he is such an interesting character.

There is also in this video about baths of the other Greyjoys: Balon, Euron and Yara Greyjoy.

An immersion in water or a text mention of it can be considered a bath (a bathing). The circumstances under which each bath occurs, prompt us how and what change has happened. More details are in the video.

If this is the first video about Theon, which you have watched, a part of statements can be unclear to you. In this case, view a series of videos about Theon and Ramsay from the beginning — video №11.

The text of the video about Theon and Ramsay 

Theon becomes a traitor when decides to be a Greyjoy. The first bath of Theon: Greyjoy-traitor. Ironborn: «Theon of the House Greyjoy, you would this day consecrate your faith to the Drowned God?» — Theon: «I would» — Ironborn: «Kneel». With the movement down the creators of the serial show the fallacy of Theon’s choice. But as any Ironborn he has an opportunity to revive in other quality. Theon: «What is dead may never die» — Ironborn: «What is dead may never die. But rises again harder and stronger. Stand». Theon is standing up that is moving up.

The scene of the surrender of Winterfell takes place in the rain, because a rain is a bathing too. (A) rain is a bathing (a bath) too. Winterfell passes into a new quality — it no longer belongs to the Starks. Brandon: «I’ve yielded Winterfell to Prince Theon». And Theon breaks the word and becomes cruel. Theon: «Ser Rodrik, I sentence you to death». Brandon: «You said no harm would come». Theon passes into a new quality: perfidious and cruel prince. The second bath of Theon: perfidious cruel Prince Theon.

The third bath of Theon: victim. Theon: «What do you want?» — A man clothed as Ironborn takes out a pricker: «I want to do this».

The fourth bath of Theon is a bathing in the rain again. The fourth bath of Theon: learner. The first bath of Ramsay: teacher. Theon realizes that both paths he had, were wrong: Theon: «I could never be a Stark. But ironborn, that’s what I was born to be». Theon: «I made a choice, and I chose wrong. And now I’ve burned everything down» — Ramsay: «Not everything, my lord». Ramsay shows Theon another path. Ramsay: «She’s up here». And it’s the way upwards.

Theon Greyjoy Takes a Bath: Episode 6, Season 4

Ramsay makes Theon loyal. The fifth bath of Theon: loyal Reek. That is Ramsay who transfers Theon into the new quality, washing away dirt from him both literally, and symbolically. And shows a path: how to become a Greyjoy, but not to be a traitor. Ramsay: «I need you to play a role. To pretend to be someone you’re not» — Theon: «Pretend to be who?» — Ramsay: «Theon Greyjoy». That is formally to become Theon Greyjoy, but inside to stay loyal Reek. Ramsay: «What do you tell them?» — Theon: «I’m Theon Greyjoy, son of Balon, heir to the Iron Islands» — Ramsay: «And what are you really?» — Theon: «I’m Reek». Ramsay: «Until when?» — Theon: «Always. Forever» — Ramsay: «That’s right». Ramsay: «Remember what you are and what you are not».

Having become loyal, Theon is capable to help and lead. Sansa: «But it’s too cold, I can’t». Ice is a symbol of testing. Ice water is a symbol of transition into a new quality through testing, which new Theon passes himself and helps others. The sixth bath of Theon: leader and helper.

Baths of Balon, Euron and Yara Greyjoy

Other Greyjoys take baths too. Yara betrays the brother. The first bath of Yara: traitor. Ironborn: «But your brother?» — Yara: «My brother is dead».

Balon and Euron betray the traditions. Euron Greyjoy: «What is dead may never die…  Has the custom changed since I’ve been gone? Aren’t you supposed to repeat the words?» — Balon Greyjoy: «You can mock our god without my help» — Euron: «I don’t mock the Drowned God. I am the Drowned God». Balon shows disrespect to the custom and Euron to the God. The first bath of Balon and Euron: traitors of the family and traditions. And Pyke passes into a new quality — now it is ruled by traitors of the family and traditions. And each of them 6/2/42:18-20 is ready to kill a relative (Euron kills Balon). The second bath of Balon: victim.

Yara: «I’m going to find out who did this. I’m going to feed them to the sharks while they live. I swear it by the Salt Throne» — Ironborn: «The Salt Throne is not yours to swear upon». Ironborn: «Perhaps you’ll be the first woman in history to rule the ironborn. And perhaps not». The second bath of Yara: the rejected queen. Ironborn: «We’ve never had a queen. Not once». Ironborn: «A woman  will not lead us. Not when Balon’s own male heir has returned». Ironborn: «Euron! Euron!» By now Euron has become a king. The second bath of Euron: king.

Taking place at the same time and in the same sea, the baths of Euron, Theon and Yara merge in a single whole and explain the status and prospects of the characters. The seventh bath of Theon and the third bath of Yara: fugitives. But according to the logic of George Martin Theon should become a king. The eighth bath of Theon: the future king. To show this, the creators of the serial use a method: they put pronounced words into the shots with the character to whom these words refer:

Ironborn: «He is speaking to us and he says we shall have no king but…» Theon is accented at the words: «We shall have no king but». Yara is shown at the words: Ironborn: «Let the old Euron drown. Let his lungs fill with seawater». And Theon and the ironborn after him come to the forefront at the words: Ironborn: «What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger». Because Theon is the only loyal of the Greyjoys. And Euron though has become a king, remains the traitor, ready to kill members of his family. Euron: «Where are my niece and nephew? Let’s go murder them».

Whether Theon is able to become a king of Iron islands better than Euron, and revive the traditions of the House Greyjoy? Maester Luwin: «Lords?» — Brandon: «The Greyjoys» — Theon: «Famed for their skills at archery, navigation and lovemaking». Theon Greyjoy «Famed for His Skills at Archery, Navigation and Lovemaking».

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