Jorah, Euron, Bran, Sansa, Catelyn Stark Broke the Rule of Survival of “Game of Thrones”: Stay Home. The Same Rule of Survival Is During a Pandemic. Let’s Compare.

You can see in this video how Jorah Mormont, Euron Greyjoy, Brandon Stark, Sansa Stark and Catelyn Stark broke one of the rules of survival in the TV series “Game of Thrones” – to stay home.

As a result, Jorah was infected with greyscale, and Brandon was infected with something else.

The rule “to stay home” is formulated in the phrases of:

Sansa Stark: “There’s only one place we can go. Home”

and Euron Greyjoy: “I’m going back to my island. You should go back to yours. When winter’s over, we’ll be the only ones left alive.”

«Game of Thrones» against the pandemic is very relevant.

The rules of survival in the TV series “Game of Thrones” and during a pandemic are similar:

1. Staying at home is one of the main rules. The one who leaves home, is waiting for trouble. When the winter (the Long Night) ends, those characters who will be in their place, that is, at home, will remain alive. About a sequel of the TV series “Game of Thrones” watch the video: “Game of Thrones” Sequel: “This Isn’t the End.”

2. Washing hands is a symbol “bath” (“bathing”), that is transition to a new quality. The symbol is explained in the series of videos about Theon and Ramsay: the beginning is the video №11 “Theon Greyjoy. The Humiliation of Theon Is an Injustice or the Result of His Own Decisions?”

3. Helmet (mask, covered face) is a symbol too. Try to determine what it means. Game of Logic: What Does a Helmet Symbolize? “What Are You Doing with That on?”

Thank you for 1 Like, 0 Dislikes, 12 views on the YouTube channel. 01.06.2021

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