Daenerys and Jon Snow: “And Here I Am, a Northern Fool”

The video is about relationship of Jon Snow with Daenerys

Jon Snow has become a prisoner of Daenerys. And her obedient tool, just as Jon Snow’s symbol dragon Viserion has become an obedient tool of the Night King.

The dragon Viserion is a symbol of Jon Snow as a Targaryen, and the direwolf Ghost and the sword Longclaw — as a Stark.

What happens to these symbols is showing what happens to Jon Snow. For example, taking the ninth bath, Jon, passing into a new quality “not a Stark”, gives away his symbol of Stark — Longclaw. The twelfth bath is joint for Jon Snow and his dragon Viserion.

Four baths of Jon Snow are shown in this video (from 9-th to 12-th).

A bath (a bathing) is a symbol of transition into a new quality. The symbol “bath” is explained in the series of videos about Theon and Ramsay: the beginning is the video №11 “Theon Greyjoy. The Humiliation of Theon Is an Injustice or the Result of His Own Decisions?”

The next video about Jon Snow is in the Part 4.

This page is about Jon Snow.

The text of the video about relationship of Jon Snow with Daenerys

A Bath (Bathing) Is a Symbol of Transition to a New Quality.

In spite of the fact that “The King in the North should stay in the North”, Jon Snow goes South, without having learned a lesson from the mistake of Ned and Robb. Jon Snow does not appreciate the trust again and irresponsibly treats his duties. Taking the ninth bath, Jon Snow passes into new qualities: Northern fool, fugitive, prisoner (on the island), not a Stark (Jon gives away Longclaw — his symbol of Stark).

Daenerys is the second temptation of Jon Snow. Her dragon – Drogon – knocks Jon down. The tenth bath of Jon Snow: in love with (but not a prisoner of Daenerys yet).

Despite feelings to Daenerys, Jon Snow ceases to be a prisoner. The eleventh bath of Jon Snow: not a prisoner, stupid leader-hero (Jon Snow leads his men to do the stupidest, bravest thing).

Jon Snow has not learned the lesson from Mance “The moment I kneel for a southern king, that’s all gone”. Jon Snow has bent the knee for a southern ruler — Daenerys Targaryen. Jon Snow has become a prisoner of Daenerys. And her obedient tool, just as Jon Snow’s symbol dragon Viserion has become an obedient tool of the Night King. The twelfth bath is joint for Jon Snow and his dragon Viserion: they pass into new qualities: Stark, not the King in the North, dead Targaryen for the rest of his life, prisoner, obedient tool, puppet, traitor.

In spite of the fact that there is no need to kneel anymore. Even though Jon Snow and Daenerys communicate as equals. Despite the fact that she has resigned to the King in the North. Despite the fact that the heir Targaryen cannot physically bend the knee, Jon Snow nevertheless does it. Because does not know that he is the heir to the Iron Throne. And he finds out that after he has become a dead Targaryen.

Ned Stark knew that Jon Snow is the heir to the Iron Throne, but he left him to rot at the Wall all the same. Ned Stark and Jon Snow: “My Father Knew and He Left Me to Rot at the Wall All the Same.”

Thank you for 0 Likes, 0 Dislikes, 92 views on the YouTube channel. 01.06.2021

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