Архив рубрики: Cersei Lannister

Explanation of the video “Daenerys and Cersei Are The Black Queens and Jon Snow: “It Was Always My Colour””

Comparison of Cersei, Daenerys and Jon Snow, and also summary of the entire TV series “Game of Thrones”

Text of the video “Daenerys and Cersei Are The Black Queens and Jon Snow: “It Was Always My Colour”” and all necessary explanations and interpretations to it can be read in this article. Read more…=> Читать далее Explanation of the video “Daenerys and Cersei Are The Black Queens and Jon Snow: “It Was Always My Colour””

Daenerys and Cersei Are The Black Queens and Jon Snow: “It Was Always My Colour”

Comparison of Cersei, Daenerys and Jon Snow, and also summary of the entire TV series “Game of Thrones”

The video explains blindness and madness of Daenerys, Cersei and Jon Snow, symbols «black colour», “egg” and “the ghost grass”, the prophecy of Lodos about Euron Greyjoy, Aegon the Conqueror and Daenerys Targaryen, teaser “Long Walk” to the 7th season, the song “Sit Down”. Читать далее Daenerys and Cersei Are The Black Queens and Jon Snow: “It Was Always My Colour”

Серсея. Суть в деталях. Cersei. George Martin: “The Devil Is in the Details”

На примере Серсеи Ланнистер Джордж Мартин показывает, что важные вещи кроются в мелочах. И незначительные, казалось бы, поступки могут оказаться решающими.

On the example of Cersei Lannister, George Martin shows that important things are hidden in little details. And actions that seems insignificant may be decisive. Read more…=> Читать далее Серсея. Суть в деталях. Cersei. George Martin: “The Devil Is in the Details”

Cersei Lannister “You’re a Hateful Woman…”

Every time making the choice for revenge, Cersei Lannister by small unevident acts is ruining her children

What Cersei rejects the conventional and family values — is bad, but what she betrays even her own — it is hateful.

The satisfaction and pleasure of taking revenge on her enemies is stronger for Cersei than the love for children. Cersei is filled with hatred so much that the love for children does not fit in her.

Qyburn and the Mountain are symbols of Cersei Lannister.

Margaery Tyrell’s words to lady Olenna about the “string of dead sparrow heads” around Margaery’s neck, come true at the end of the sixth season, when Cersei arranges an explosion in the Sept of Baelor.

Image The string of dead sparrow heads around Margaery Tyrell's neck

You can read more about Cersei and her children in the article George Martin: “The Devil Is In The Details”. Читать далее Cersei Lannister “You’re a Hateful Woman…”

Cersei Lannister Is a Violation of All Principles of the Lannisters

Cersei Lannister breakes family traditions

Cersei Lannister breakes family traditions and betrays the family, breaking the rules of “Game of Thrones”: “Traditions are important” and “Family comes first”. This video is an introduction to a basic video about Cersei: Cersei Lannister «You’re a Hateful Woman…»

The text of the video about Cersei Lannister

Tyrion: «A Lannister always pays his debts». But Cersei doesn’t want to pay. Mace Tyrell: «The Iron Bank has called in one-tenth of the crown’s debt’s» — Cersei: «How do we pay them?» — «The House Tyrell could front the gold» — «No, we must arrange better terms with the Iron Bank».

Tywin: «Lannisters don’t act like fools». Cersei to ser Barristan Selmy: «But it is time to put aside your armor and your sword. It is time to rest». Tywin: «Dismissing him was as insulting as it was stupid». Tyrion: «We had three Starks to trade. You chopped one’s head off and let another escape. Father will be furious». Tywin: «I don’t distrust you because you’re a woman. I distrust you because you’re not as smart as you think you are».

Tywin: «A good man does everything in his power to better his family’s position». But does Cersei love her family?

Her husband Robert? Cersei: «I killed my husband because it felt good to be rid of him».

Her uncle Kevan? Cersei: «My Uncle Kevan has all the courage of a kitchen mouse». Cersei killes Kevan by explosion in the Sept.

Her brother Tyrion? Cersei: «I want him dead». Jaime: «Tyrion is your family» — Cersei: «He’s not» — Jaime: «You don’t get to choose» — Cersei: «I do». So whom does Cersei choose?

May be her father Tywin Lannister? Cersei: «I don’t want to talk about Tywin Lannister. I don’t choose Tywin Lannister. I don’t love Tywin Lannister. I love my brother. I love my lover».

Of course, Cersei chooses Jaime. But she betrays him, cheats on with another member of her family — a cousin Lancel Lannister. Whom, however, Cersei does not love either. Cersei killes Lancel by explosion in the Sept too.

Tywin: «The house that puts family first will always defeat the house that puts the whims and wishes of its sons and daughters first». Tywin: «You’ll marry Ser Loras» — Cersei: «I will not» — Tywin: «The boy is heir to Highgarden. Tyrion will secure the North, you will secure the Reach» — Cersei: «No, I won’t do it» — Tywin: «Yes, you will. You’re still fertile. You need to marry again and breed» — Cersei: «I am Queen Regent, not some broodmare!» — Tywin: «You’re my daughter!» Tywin: «You have on several occasions made great claims about your commitment to this family’s future. Your role in that future is more vital now than it ever was» — Cersei: «I don’t care».

Tywin: «…Serve your family and protect our legacy». Cersei: «Years and years of lectures on family and legacy. The same lecture, really, just with tiny, tedious variations». Cersei: «Everything they say it’s true about Jaime and me» — Tywin: «No» — Cersei: «Your legacy is a lie» — Tywin: «No, no, no, no».

She betrays the family and family values. However, there is also the worst in Cersei therefore Jaime tells her: Jaime: «You’re a hateful woman…» Cersei Lannister «You’re a Hateful Woman…»

Thank you for 1 Like, 0 Dislikes, 77 views on the YouTube channel. 01.06.2021

The Mistake of Queen Cersei and Margaery’s Grandmother

The video is under reconstruction.

Thank you for 10 Likes, 4 Dislikes, 1283 views on the YouTube channel. 01.06.2021

From this video you will find out what is a common feature of the queen Cersei and Margaery’s grandmother.

Margaery Tyrell’s words to lady Olenna about the “string of dead sparrow heads” around Margaery’s neck, come true at the end of the sixth season, when Cersei Lannister arranges an explosion in the Sept of Baelor, learn more about all this in the video Cersei Lannister «You’re a Hateful Woman…»