Архив рубрики: Methods of George Martin and the Creators of the Serial

Night King and Brandon Stark: «He’s Coming for Us»

Brandon Stark and the Night King: an example of word play, explaining the events of the TV series

The text of the video about Brandon Stark and the Night King

Brandon: «Why did you wake me?» — Meera: «You’ve been gone for hours». Brandon: «Why did you do that? Take me back there. I want to go back». Jojen: «Spending too much time in Summer’s skin is dangerous». The Old man in a tree: «I’ve told you many times, stay too long where you don’t belong and you will never return». Jojen: «Must be glorious, though. To run, to leap, to hunt. To be whole». Brandon: «Why do I want to return? So I can be a cripple again?»

Brandon Stark does not obey, and the King of the Night puts his mark on him.The Old man in a tree: «His mark is on you».

Leaf: «They cannot follow us. The power that moves them is powerless here». Benjen: «The Wall is not just ice and stone. Ancient spells were carved into its foundations. Strong magic to protect men from what lies beyond. And while it stands, the dead cannot pass».

Brandon: «You’ve seen the Army of the Dead. You’ve seen the Night King. He’s coming for us. For all of us. — Dolorous Edd: «Okay, come on. Let’s get them inside».

Sam: «It’s the safest place for you» — Jojen: «There’s nowhere safe any longer». The Old man in a tree: «He knows you are here. He’ll come for you» — Brandon: «But he can’t get in» — The Old man in a tree: «He can now». 

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You are welcome to the video about Jon Snow: Jon Snow “That’s a Man’s Sword. It’ll Take a Man to Wield It”.

14. A Bath (Bathing) Is a Symbol of Transition to a New Quality. Eight Baths of Theon Greyjoy

Theon in the bath “Game of Thrones”: Ramsay and Theon bath — the meaning of this symbol

To show Theon‘s character, George Martin and the creators of the serial use a bath (a bathing) as a symbol of transition into a new quality. During six seasons the whole eight symbolical transformations happen to Theon. This is largely due to Ramsay, who shows Theon the right path, makes loyal, transfers Theon into the new quality, washing away dirt from Theon both literally, and symbolically — Theon and Ramsay bath scene.

A symbol of Theon Greyjoy — kraken — lives in water, that is transition into a new quality for him is a usual thing. This means that Theon is constantly changing, evolving — that’s why he is such an interesting character.

There is also in this video about baths of the other Greyjoys: Balon, Euron and Yara Greyjoy.

An immersion in water or a text mention of it can be considered a bath (a bathing). The circumstances under which each bath occurs, prompt us how and what change has happened. More details are in the video. Читать далее 14. A Bath (Bathing) Is a Symbol of Transition to a New Quality. Eight Baths of Theon Greyjoy

Нед Старк «Ведь он такой… хороший» Ned Stark “He’s Just So… Good”

В «Игре престолов» есть персонажи, такие как Нед Старк, которые позиционируются как положительные, хорошие, а их поступки и решения — как правильные. Но почему-то эти персонажи вызывают раздражение… Почему?

In «Game of Thrones» there are characters, as Ned Stark, who are positioned as positive, good, and their acts and decisions — as correct. But for some reason these characters cause irritation… Why? Read more…=>
Читать далее Нед Старк «Ведь он такой… хороший» Ned Stark “He’s Just So… Good”

Серсея. Суть в деталях. Cersei. George Martin: “The Devil Is in the Details”

На примере Серсеи Ланнистер Джордж Мартин показывает, что важные вещи кроются в мелочах. И незначительные, казалось бы, поступки могут оказаться решающими.

On the example of Cersei Lannister, George Martin shows that important things are hidden in little details. And actions that seems insignificant may be decisive. Read more…=> Читать далее Серсея. Суть в деталях. Cersei. George Martin: “The Devil Is in the Details”

«Игра престолов» — фильм, достойный премии. “Game of Thrones” — Film, Worthy of an Award.

Посмотрев видеоисследование, вы убедитесь, что «Игра престолов» не просто захватывающее фэнтези, с обилием эротических сцен и насилия, а фильм с оригинальными сильными идеями и идеально выстроенной логичной структурой.

Джордж Мартин, Дэвид Бениофф, Дэниел Уайсс — эти три человека достойны премии, потому что они изобрели новый жанр  интеллектуального кино: фильм-игра, фильм-ребус, фильм-головоломка, фильм-загадка.

И в видеоисследовании на этом сайте все загадки будут разгаданы.

Будет ли 9 сезон телесериала «Игра престолов»? Ответ в видео «Игра престолов» продолжение: «Это ещё не конец».

Having watched the video research, you are convinced that “Game of Thrones” is not only fascinating fantasy, with abundance of erotic scenes and violence, but film with original strong ideas and ideally built logical structure.

George Martin, David Benioff, Daniel Weiss — these three persons are worthy of award, because they have invented a new genre of  intellectual cinema: film-game, film-rebus, film-puzzle, film-riddle.

And in the video research on this website all riddles will be solved. Is “Game of Thrones” 9 season coming? The answer is in the video “Game of Thrones” Sequel: “This Isn’t the End”.