Архив рубрики: Starks

Alicent and the Green Dress

Why Alicent Hightower is wearing a green dress

At Rhaenyra's wedding, Alicent comes to the top of the stairs in a green dress, interrupting the king's speech and attracting attention to herself.

Larys: “The beacon on the High Tower. Do you know what color it glows when Oldtown calls it banners to war?” – “Green?” That is, the people of the Reach go to war like children.

In cinema, color has a meaning and is a symbol of something.

it is generally accepted that the green color symbolizes nature, development, renewal, youth, childhood, children, immaturity, inexperience, unpreparedness, untrained, etc.

Alicent, wearing the green dress, shows those present that she declares war on Rhaenyra as a pretender to the throne.

From that moment on, Alicent is shown in green clothes, which symbolizes her childishness, inexperience, immaturity. Just as in her youth, Alicent argues with her father, prevents him from fighting Rhaenyra's camp, acts contrary in a futile attempt to reconcile everyone.

And Alicent also reacts to the tricks of Larys like a child. Out of fear and helplessness, making an immature decision to use his help.

In green, the authors show that she never became a real queen, but remained a child. Perhaps because, as queen, Alicent is out of place.

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The Rules of “Game of Thrones” Why Do Ned Stark and Other Characters Die? What Do Football and the TV Series “Game of Thrones” Have in Common


Why Does Ned Stark Die?

This video is about the rules of “Game of Thrones”. The video explains why Ned Stark and other characters die.

To understand why characters survive or die, for example, Ned Stark, you need to watch a TV series not as a movie, but as a game, for example, a football match. All characters are players. If you know the rules of the game, then, as when watching a football match, it becomes clear who is playing well and who is breaking the rules. Ned Stark breaks the rules. In the TV series, characters receive warnings when they violate the rules of the game, in the same way as football players receive yellow cards. A red card for a football player is removal from the field, and the death of a character is removal from the TV series. The death of Ned Stark is a removal from the game for violating the rules. Some of the basic rules of «Game of Thrones» are given in this video.

The text of the video about Ned Stark and the rules of “Game of Thrones”

The TV series is called «Game of Thrones». The key word is game. The whole TV series is a game: the game of faces, a game of theatre, a word game, the game of authors with viewers, a game of characters. And as any game – board, sports or computer, the TV series also has rules, set by the authors but not obvious to the viewers and to the characters. The rules of the game are hidden under the guise of ordinary phrases spoken by the characters during the plot. For example, Читать далее The Rules of “Game of Thrones” Why Do Ned Stark and Other Characters Die? What Do Football and the TV Series “Game of Thrones” Have in Common

The TV series “Game of Thrones” Semiotic analysis. Why Does Ned Stark Die?

Why Does Ned Stark Die?

This video has been updated and replaced with two new ones:

  1. The Rules of “Game of Thrones” Why Do Ned Stark and Other Characters Die? What Do Football and the TV Series “Game of Thrones” Have in Common
  2. Symbols’ Logic. That’s Interesting: Why Did Daenerys Go Mad and Wear a Black Dress?

You can read about semiotic analysis in the article The TV series “Game of Thrones” Semiotic Analysis.

Thank you for 3 Likes, 0 Dislikes, 16 views on the YouTube channel. 01.06.2021

Sansa Stark “A Stupid Little Girl With Stupid Dreams” What Does Sansa’s Jewelry Symbolize?

What Sansa’s Jewelry Symbolizes

This video is about stupid dreams of Sansa Stark and related symbols: moth, dragonfly, flying, pendant with a lion. And also it is about Sansa’s relations with Joffrey and Loras. 

Screensaver Sansa-dragonfly with Sansa's jewelry in the form of dragonflies.

Читать далее Sansa Stark “A Stupid Little Girl With Stupid Dreams” What Does Sansa’s Jewelry Symbolize?

Игра логики: Если бы Кейтилин Старк находилась дома, могла ли она защитить Винтерфелл от Теона и железнорождённых? Game of Logic: If Catelyn Stark Were at Home, Would She Be Able to Protect Winterfell Against Theon and the Ironborn?

Кейтилин дома Игра логики Catelyn at Home Game of Logic

В «Игре престолов» не только показаны неверные поступки, но и заложено, как развивалась бы ситуация, если бы персонаж повёл себя правильно. Например, что было бы, если бы Кейтилин находилась дома. Как она могла защитить Винтерфелл от Теона и железнорождённых? Это показано в одном из эпизодов c Браном во втором сезоне.

Попробуйте определить, что это за эпизод? Что бы в нём изменилось, если бы Кейтилин находилась дома?

Ответ в статье Кейтилин Старк «Все мы делаем выбор».


“Game of Thrones” not only shows wrong actions, but also lays out how the situation would develop if the character behaved correctly. Like what would have happened if Catelyn had been at home. How could she defend Winterfell against Theon and the ironborn? This is shown in one of the episodes with Brandon in the second season.

Try to determine what this episode is? What would have changed in it if Catelyn had been at home?

The answer is in the post Catelyn Stark “We All Must Choose”.

Jorah, Euron, Bran, Sansa, Catelyn Stark Broke the Rule of Survival of “Game of Thrones”: Stay Home. The Same Rule of Survival Is During a Pandemic. Let’s Compare.

You can see in this video how Jorah Mormont, Euron Greyjoy, Brandon Stark, Sansa Stark and Catelyn Stark broke one of the rules of survival in the TV series “Game of Thrones” – to stay home.

As a result, Jorah was infected with greyscale, and Brandon was infected with something else. Читать далее Jorah, Euron, Bran, Sansa, Catelyn Stark Broke the Rule of Survival of “Game of Thrones”: Stay Home. The Same Rule of Survival Is During a Pandemic. Let’s Compare.

“Game of Thrones” Sequel: “This Isn’t the End”: JON SNOW, Arya and Sansa Are Going to a New Serial, Bran – to Find Daenerys

A sequel of “Game of Thrones”

The ending of “Game of Thrones” is not the real ending!

By the finale the authors show that there should be a sequel of the TV series “Game of Thrones”: the characters Arya Stark, Jon Snow and Sansa Stark are going to a new serial, and Brandon Stark is going to find out where the dragon took Daenerys.

Bran, Drogon and Daenerys are just one of the open storylines of the TV series “Game of Thrones”. And the answer to the question why many viewers did not like the “Game of Thrones” ending is simple: this is not the ending of the story of the characters.

The main story is “A Song of Ice and Fire”, and “Game of Thrones” is just its beginning. The fact that the story of the heroes ended with the ending of the TV series “Game of Thrones” is a trick.

No need to guess how “Game of Thrones” was supposed to end, how does “Game of Thrones” end according to the book or why “Game of Thrones” ending is «bad» – it is exactly what you need, as the authors intended. And all the answers are already there: having deciphered symbols in the serial, you can see the real situation to which the characters have come, as well as find out what will happen to Sansa, Arya, Jon Snow, Brandon, Daenerys and other characters further – this is a Game of Logic which authors offer to the viewers, learn more in this video.

The explanation why the fact that heroes are dressed in black still, is so important, there is in the video Daenerys and Cersei Are The Black Queens and Jon Snow: “It Was Always My Colour.” Читать далее “Game of Thrones” Sequel: “This Isn’t the End”: JON SNOW, Arya and Sansa Are Going to a New Serial, Bran – to Find Daenerys

Игра логики: Почему Санса любит лимонные пирожные? Game of Logic: Why Does Sansa Like Lemon Cakes?

Игра логики Почему Санса любит лимонные пирожные? Game of Logic Why Does Sansa Like Lemon Cakes?

Санса любит лимонные пирожные – что означает этот символ? Как он выражает поведение Сансы?

Подсказка: Почему именно лимонные? Почему пирожные?

Буду рада Вашим версиям в комментариях или на symbolslogic@info. Ответ будет в следующих видео.

Sansa likes lemon cakes – what does this symbol mean? How does he express Sansa’s behavior?

A hint: Why lemon? Why cakes?

I will be glad to your versions in comments or on symbolslogic@info. The answer will be in the next videos.

Игра логики: Ванны Сансы Game of Logic: Baths of Sansa

Игра логики Ванны Сансы  Game of Logic Baths of Sansa

Попробуйте найти ванны Сансы и определить в какое качество в каждой из них она переходит. О символе ванна смотрите видео №14 Ванна (купание) — символ перехода в новое качество. Восемь ванн Теона Грейджоя.

Буду рада Вашим версиям в комментариях или на symbolslogic@info. А ответ будет в следующих видео.


Try to find baths of Sansa and identify into what quality she passes in each of them. An explanation of the symbol “bath” is in the video №14 A Bath (Bathing) Is a Symbol of Transition to a New Quality. Eight Baths of Theon Greyjoy.

I will be glad to your versions in comments or on symbolslogic@info. And the answer will be in the in the next videos.