Архив рубрики: Brandon Stark

Jorah, Euron, Bran, Sansa, Catelyn Stark Broke the Rule of Survival of “Game of Thrones”: Stay Home. The Same Rule of Survival Is During a Pandemic. Let’s Compare.

You can see in this video how Jorah Mormont, Euron Greyjoy, Brandon Stark, Sansa Stark and Catelyn Stark broke one of the rules of survival in the TV series “Game of Thrones” – to stay home.

As a result, Jorah was infected with greyscale, and Brandon was infected with something else. Читать далее Jorah, Euron, Bran, Sansa, Catelyn Stark Broke the Rule of Survival of “Game of Thrones”: Stay Home. The Same Rule of Survival Is During a Pandemic. Let’s Compare.

“Game of Thrones” Sequel: “This Isn’t the End”: JON SNOW, Arya and Sansa Are Going to a New Serial, Bran – to Find Daenerys

A sequel of “Game of Thrones”

The ending of “Game of Thrones” is not the real ending!

By the finale the authors show that there should be a sequel of the TV series “Game of Thrones”: the characters Arya Stark, Jon Snow and Sansa Stark are going to a new serial, and Brandon Stark is going to find out where the dragon took Daenerys.

Bran, Drogon and Daenerys are just one of the open storylines of the TV series “Game of Thrones”. And the answer to the question why many viewers did not like the “Game of Thrones” ending is simple: this is not the ending of the story of the characters.

The main story is “A Song of Ice and Fire”, and “Game of Thrones” is just its beginning. The fact that the story of the heroes ended with the ending of the TV series “Game of Thrones” is a trick.

No need to guess how “Game of Thrones” was supposed to end, how does “Game of Thrones” end according to the book or why “Game of Thrones” ending is «bad» – it is exactly what you need, as the authors intended. And all the answers are already there: having deciphered symbols in the serial, you can see the real situation to which the characters have come, as well as find out what will happen to Sansa, Arya, Jon Snow, Brandon, Daenerys and other characters further – this is a Game of Logic which authors offer to the viewers, learn more in this video.

The explanation why the fact that heroes are dressed in black still, is so important, there is in the video Daenerys and Cersei Are The Black Queens and Jon Snow: “It Was Always My Colour.” Читать далее “Game of Thrones” Sequel: “This Isn’t the End”: JON SNOW, Arya and Sansa Are Going to a New Serial, Bran – to Find Daenerys

Кейтилин Старк «Все мы делаем выбор» Catelyn Stark “We All Must Choose”

Могла ли Кейтилин Старк защитить Винтерфелл от Теона и железнорождённых?

Джордж Мартин и создатели сериала показывают, что у героя всегда есть выбор, и это выбор важен – человек ответственен за свою судьбу.

В оригинале: “We all must choose” — «Мы все должны выбирать»

Could Catelyn Stark defend Winterfell against Theon and the ironborn?

George Martin and the creators of the serial show that a hero always has a choice, and this choice is important – a person is responsible for his destiny. Read more…=> Читать далее Кейтилин Старк «Все мы делаем выбор» Catelyn Stark “We All Must Choose”

Night King and Brandon Stark: «He’s Coming for Us»

Brandon Stark and the Night King: an example of word play, explaining the events of the TV series

The text of the video about Brandon Stark and the Night King

Brandon: «Why did you wake me?» — Meera: «You’ve been gone for hours». Brandon: «Why did you do that? Take me back there. I want to go back». Jojen: «Spending too much time in Summer’s skin is dangerous». The Old man in a tree: «I’ve told you many times, stay too long where you don’t belong and you will never return». Jojen: «Must be glorious, though. To run, to leap, to hunt. To be whole». Brandon: «Why do I want to return? So I can be a cripple again?»

Brandon Stark does not obey, and the King of the Night puts his mark on him.The Old man in a tree: «His mark is on you».

Leaf: «They cannot follow us. The power that moves them is powerless here». Benjen: «The Wall is not just ice and stone. Ancient spells were carved into its foundations. Strong magic to protect men from what lies beyond. And while it stands, the dead cannot pass».

Brandon: «You’ve seen the Army of the Dead. You’ve seen the Night King. He’s coming for us. For all of us. — Dolorous Edd: «Okay, come on. Let’s get them inside».

Sam: «It’s the safest place for you» — Jojen: «There’s nowhere safe any longer». The Old man in a tree: «He knows you are here. He’ll come for you» — Brandon: «But he can’t get in» — The Old man in a tree: «He can now». 

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You are welcome to the video about Jon Snow: Jon Snow “That’s a Man’s Sword. It’ll Take a Man to Wield It”.