Архив рубрики: White Colour

Symbols’ Logic. That’s Interesting: Why Did Daenerys Go Mad and Wear a Black Dress?

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The question of why Daenerys went crazy can be answered with the help of symbols

Colours and objects in the TV series are symbols (egg, bone, up, down, comet, white and black colours), their meanings help to see encrypted true meaning of the TV series «Game of Thrones» and answer the question why Daenerys has gone mad and wears a black dress.

The peculiarity of the TV series is that it shows two contradictory plots at the same time: an external emotional plot creates a false opinion that Daenerys is acting correctly and will succeed, but it is more interesting to see an internal factual plot expressed by symbols, which show that Daenerys makes mistakes, so she is not moving to victory, but to defeat in the game, that is, to death. Solving symbols is semiotic analysis.

Читать далее Symbols’ Logic. That’s Interesting: Why Did Daenerys Go Mad and Wear a Black Dress?

“Game of Thrones” Sequel: “This Isn’t the End”: JON SNOW, Arya and Sansa Are Going to a New Serial, Bran – to Find Daenerys

A sequel of “Game of Thrones”

The ending of “Game of Thrones” is not the real ending!

By the finale the authors show that there should be a sequel of the TV series “Game of Thrones”: the characters Arya Stark, Jon Snow and Sansa Stark are going to a new serial, and Brandon Stark is going to find out where the dragon took Daenerys.

Bran, Drogon and Daenerys are just one of the open storylines of the TV series “Game of Thrones”. And the answer to the question why many viewers did not like the “Game of Thrones” ending is simple: this is not the ending of the story of the characters.

The main story is “A Song of Ice and Fire”, and “Game of Thrones” is just its beginning. The fact that the story of the heroes ended with the ending of the TV series “Game of Thrones” is a trick.

No need to guess how “Game of Thrones” was supposed to end, how does “Game of Thrones” end according to the book or why “Game of Thrones” ending is «bad» – it is exactly what you need, as the authors intended. And all the answers are already there: having deciphered symbols in the serial, you can see the real situation to which the characters have come, as well as find out what will happen to Sansa, Arya, Jon Snow, Brandon, Daenerys and other characters further – this is a Game of Logic which authors offer to the viewers, learn more in this video.

The explanation why the fact that heroes are dressed in black still, is so important, there is in the video Daenerys and Cersei Are The Black Queens and Jon Snow: “It Was Always My Colour.” Читать далее “Game of Thrones” Sequel: “This Isn’t the End”: JON SNOW, Arya and Sansa Are Going to a New Serial, Bran – to Find Daenerys