Архив рубрики: Egg

Where Did Drogon Take Daenerys When She Died

Where Did Drogon Take Daenerys

The dragon Drogon carried Daenerys where it should be - to the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai – this shows a semiotic analysis. But why – watch and see in the video.

The dragon carried Daenerys towards Volantis. It is in this direction that Asshai and Shadow Lands are located. It was there that Drogon carried Daenerys.

My map with line of Drogon's flight.

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Symbols’ Logic. That’s Interesting: Why Did Daenerys Go Mad and Wear a Black Dress?

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The question of why Daenerys went crazy can be answered with the help of symbols

Colours and objects in the TV series are symbols (egg, bone, up, down, comet, white and black colours), their meanings help to see encrypted true meaning of the TV series «Game of Thrones» and answer the question why Daenerys has gone mad and wears a black dress.

The peculiarity of the TV series is that it shows two contradictory plots at the same time: an external emotional plot creates a false opinion that Daenerys is acting correctly and will succeed, but it is more interesting to see an internal factual plot expressed by symbols, which show that Daenerys makes mistakes, so she is not moving to victory, but to defeat in the game, that is, to death. Solving symbols is semiotic analysis.

Читать далее Symbols’ Logic. That’s Interesting: Why Did Daenerys Go Mad and Wear a Black Dress?

Daenerys and Cersei Are The Black Queens and Jon Snow: “It Was Always My Colour”

Comparison of Cersei, Daenerys and Jon Snow, and also summary of the entire TV series “Game of Thrones”

The video explains blindness and madness of Daenerys, Cersei and Jon Snow, symbols «black colour», “egg” and “the ghost grass”, the prophecy of Lodos about Euron Greyjoy, Aegon the Conqueror and Daenerys Targaryen, teaser “Long Walk” to the 7th season, the song “Sit Down”. Читать далее Daenerys and Cersei Are The Black Queens and Jon Snow: “It Was Always My Colour”