Cersei Lannister Is a Violation of All Principles of the Lannisters

Cersei Lannister breakes family traditions

Cersei Lannister breakes family traditions and betrays the family, breaking the rules of “Game of Thrones”: “Traditions are important” and “Family comes first”. This video is an introduction to a basic video about Cersei: Cersei Lannister «You’re a Hateful Woman…»

The text of the video about Cersei Lannister

Tyrion: «A Lannister always pays his debts». But Cersei doesn’t want to pay. Mace Tyrell: «The Iron Bank has called in one-tenth of the crown’s debt’s» — Cersei: «How do we pay them?» — «The House Tyrell could front the gold» — «No, we must arrange better terms with the Iron Bank».

Tywin: «Lannisters don’t act like fools». Cersei to ser Barristan Selmy: «But it is time to put aside your armor and your sword. It is time to rest». Tywin: «Dismissing him was as insulting as it was stupid». Tyrion: «We had three Starks to trade. You chopped one’s head off and let another escape. Father will be furious». Tywin: «I don’t distrust you because you’re a woman. I distrust you because you’re not as smart as you think you are».

Tywin: «A good man does everything in his power to better his family’s position». But does Cersei love her family?

Her husband Robert? Cersei: «I killed my husband because it felt good to be rid of him».

Her uncle Kevan? Cersei: «My Uncle Kevan has all the courage of a kitchen mouse». Cersei killes Kevan by explosion in the Sept.

Her brother Tyrion? Cersei: «I want him dead». Jaime: «Tyrion is your family» — Cersei: «He’s not» — Jaime: «You don’t get to choose» — Cersei: «I do». So whom does Cersei choose?

May be her father Tywin Lannister? Cersei: «I don’t want to talk about Tywin Lannister. I don’t choose Tywin Lannister. I don’t love Tywin Lannister. I love my brother. I love my lover».

Of course, Cersei chooses Jaime. But she betrays him, cheats on with another member of her family — a cousin Lancel Lannister. Whom, however, Cersei does not love either. Cersei killes Lancel by explosion in the Sept too.

Tywin: «The house that puts family first will always defeat the house that puts the whims and wishes of its sons and daughters first». Tywin: «You’ll marry Ser Loras» — Cersei: «I will not» — Tywin: «The boy is heir to Highgarden. Tyrion will secure the North, you will secure the Reach» — Cersei: «No, I won’t do it» — Tywin: «Yes, you will. You’re still fertile. You need to marry again and breed» — Cersei: «I am Queen Regent, not some broodmare!» — Tywin: «You’re my daughter!» Tywin: «You have on several occasions made great claims about your commitment to this family’s future. Your role in that future is more vital now than it ever was» — Cersei: «I don’t care».

Tywin: «…Serve your family and protect our legacy». Cersei: «Years and years of lectures on family and legacy. The same lecture, really, just with tiny, tedious variations». Cersei: «Everything they say it’s true about Jaime and me» — Tywin: «No» — Cersei: «Your legacy is a lie» — Tywin: «No, no, no, no».

She betrays the family and family values. However, there is also the worst in Cersei therefore Jaime tells her: Jaime: «You’re a hateful woman…» Cersei Lannister «You’re a Hateful Woman…»

Thank you for 1 Like, 0 Dislikes, 77 views on the YouTube channel. 01.06.2021

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