Jaime Lannister and Lady Olenna Tyrell «If We Do It Your Way, Kingslayer, You’d Win… We’re Not Doing It Your Way»

Could Lady Olenna Have Survived? How Wise Grandmother of Margaery Outplayed Jaime Lannister

Having lived all her life side by side with Dorn, lady Olenna Tyrell is much more skilled in poisons than Jaime Lannister. The emphasis on Lady Olenna’s ring shows that it is important, there may be an antidote hidden in it, and lady Olenna is alive.

Using the experience of Robb Stark, Jaime was able to set a trap at Casterly Rock, but at the same time himself comes across in the same trap again because hasn’t learned to recognize them. Grey Worm has found a dirty trick right after the capture of the Rock, and Jaime has left Highgarden, without having understood that lady Olenna has deceived him. Battles are not the strength of Golden Roses – they have cunning.

In the scene of the capture of Highgarden, the creators of the serial compositionally show that it is lady Olenna is a strategist and a winner: Lady Olenna is at the top, Jaime and his army are underneath. Jaime is going upstairs, but Lannister is going downstairs, that is Jaime’s victory does not make Lannisters conquerors.

She counted all options, and bet on the one which best of all corresponds to Jaime’s identity. He wouldn’t cut with a sword the elderly woman and wouldn’t lead her to public execution. If Cersei went at the head of army, then lady Olenna, probably, would try to leave the castle.

The characters Jaime and lady Olenna have not interacted with each other in the serial yet. The scene of capture of Highgarden is their first clash, and the fact that Jaime has overplayed lady Olenna looks illogically. It’s not like Queen of Thorns, after all she is much smarter and more cunning than him. Argumentation in favor of this version, based on symbols, is provided in the video.

Thank you for 4 Likes, 0 Dislikes, 131 views on the YouTube channel. 01.06.2021

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