Jon Snow – the Path of the Hero-savior: “I went to save them. I failed”

Jon Snow – the path of the hero-savior in the 2-6 seasons

Every season Jon Snow tries to save someone, and every season someone dies because of Jon Snow.

This is the second of three videos in a short series “Jon Snow – The Path of the Hero-savior”. In each season, events related to the actions of Jon Snow are the subject of a separate video.

Previous video Jon Snow – the Path of the Hero-savior: the First Step

The text of the video about Jon Snow

Alliser Thorne: “You have a good heart, Jon Snow. It’ll get us all killed”.

The Citadel lantern highlights the facts in the series “Game of Thrones”.

Every season Jon Snow tries to save someone, and every season someone dies because of Jon Snow.

2 season

Qhorin Halfhand: “Harker, Stonesnake, Borba” - Jon Snow: “Lord Commander, I’d like to join Lord Qhorin”.

Jon Snow destroys Qhorin Halfhand and the rangers.

Jon Snow: “They died because of me”.

3 season

Jon Snow: “I always wanted to be a ranger”.

Jon Snow left with the rangers, abandoned Lord Commander Mormont and did not protect him. Mormont died.

Sam: “You’ve done nothing wrong” — Jon Snow: “I’ve done plenty wrong”.

4 season

Jon Snow takes command of the battle with the wildlings and destroys Grenn and the five watches, sending them into battle with the giant.

Jon Snow: “The outer gate won’t hold. Take five men, hold the inner gate” – Grenn: “Aye” – Jon: “Hold the gate.” Jon Snow: “They held the gate.”

5 season

Jon Snow becomes Lord Commander and goes to a Hardhome to save the wildlings, as a result, he destroys both them and the watches.

Jon Snow: “It was a failure. I went to save them. I failed”.

Jon Snow: “The first Lord Commander in history to sacrifice the lives of sworn brothers to save the lives of wildlings”.

6 season

Jon Snow destroys the wildlings, who are almost gone anyway, in the battle for Winterfell.

Old wildling: “And look at us now. Look what’s left of us”. “This isn’t what we agreed to. This isn’t our fight”.

Jon Snow: “You’re right. This isn’t your fight. You shouldn’t have to come to Winterfell with me. I shouldn’t be asking you. It’s not the deal we made”.

“I should have thrown you from the top of the Wall, boy!” – Jon Snow: “Aye. You should have”.

The continuation in the video Jon Snow – The Path of the Hero-savior: Jon Snow Targaryen

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