Jon Snow

Jon Snow “That’s a Man’s Sword. It’ll Take a Man to Wield It”

Jon Snow “That’s a Man’s Sword. It’ll Take a Man to Wield It”Click the video for watching

This is one of videos about Jon Snow and the related characters.

A symbol of man is a sword. Jon Snow got it, having become a man of the Night’s Watch. But he loses or gives it away, as he does not cope with this role and needs female protection.

Jon Snow vs. Euron Greyjoy: “The Surest Way to a Woman’s Heart Is with a Gift”

Jon Snow vs. Euron Greyjoy “The Surest Way to a Woman’s Heart Is with a Gift” Click the video for watching

Jon Snow versus Euron Greyjoy. Euron and Jon are antipodes.

Euron with the Iron Fleet is going to help Cersei to defeat her enemies, and Jon Snow with one ship wants Daenerys to help him to defeat his enemies. Euron makes an offer and a priceless gift, Jon only asks, and Daenerys has to fly herself for the dubious gift.

As a result, Euron has taken a step to the Iron Throne, and Jon Snow has surrendered his kingdom.

Jon Snow: “And Here I Am, a Northern Fool”

Jon Snow: “And Here I Am, a Northern Fool”Click the video for watching

Four baths of Jon Snow are shown in this video (from 9-th to 12-th). And also it is about relations of Jon Snow with Daenerys.

The dragon Viserion is a symbol of Jon Snow as a Targaryen, and the direwolf Ghost and the sword Longclaw — as a Stark.

What happens to these symbols is showing what happens to Jon. For example, taking the ninth bath, Jon, passing into a new quality “not a Stark”, gives away his symbol of Stark — Longclaw. The twelfth bath is joint for Jon and his dragon Viserion.

A bath (a bathing) is a symbol of transition into a new quality. The symbol “bath” is explained in the series of videos about Theon and Ramsay: the beginning is the video №11 “Theon Greyjoy. The Humiliation of Theon Is an Injustice or the Result of His Own Decisions?”

The next video about Jon Snow is in the Part 4.

To be continued...

You are welcome to Part 3.

Семиотический анализ или семиотика «Игры престолов» – игра в разгадывание символов. Semiotic analysis or semiotics of “Game of Thrones” is a game of solving symbols.