Why Drogon Burned the Iron Throne and not Jon Snow

This is a video about Drogon. Why he burned the Iron Throne and not Jon Snow. 

Drogon is an animal, therefore he first sniffed Daenerys and learned by the smell that Jon Snow is a friend, and the Iron Throne is an enemy.

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Previous video “What Awaits Jon Snow for the Murder of Daenerys”.

Next video “Where Did Drogon Take Daenerys When She Died”.

The text of the video about Drogon and Jon Snow

The Citadel lantern highlights the facts in the series “Game of Thrones”.

Why Drogon didn't burn Jon Snow, let's see from the position of a dragon.

Tyrion: “Dragons are intelligent. More intelligent than men according to some maesters. They have affection for their friends and fury for their enemies”.

Drogon is large and powerful, but only a young animal, and animals learn about everything by smell, live by instincts and reflexes.

Melisandre: “If the lamb sees the knife, she panics. Her panic seeps into her meat, darkens it, fouls the flavor” – Stannis: “You’ve slaughtered many lambs?” – “And none have seen the blade”.

The words and phrases of the characters in the series have hidden meanings.

“Flavor” – means not only “taste”, but also “aroma”, “smell”

“If THE lamb sees THE knife, SHE panics”

Animals correspond to the pronoun “it”. But Melisandre is talking about the certain lamb. Since they are talking about Gendry, it could be “he”, but suddenly Melisandre says “she”. This can be seen as a sign of the authors that Melisandre's words are said in advance and refer not only to Gendry, but also to Daenerys. She is the lamb.

Jon Snow was sacrificed to save the Night's Watch. Tyrion convinces Jon Snow to sacrifice Daenerys for the sake of saving people.

Tyrion: “You are the shield that guards the realms of men. And you’ve always tried to do the right thing. No matter the cost, you’ve tried to protect people. Who is the greatest threat to the people now? It’s a terrible thing I’m asking. It’s also the right thing”. “Sometimes duty is the death of love”.

Jon Snow loves Daenerys, and he killed her so that she did not see the knife and did not feel fear.

When Drogon came, he first sniffed Daenerys and did not smell fear. She and Jon Snow smelled only of love, pain and suffering. Therefore, Jon Snow remained a friend for Drogon and did not pass into the category of enemies.

After that, Drogon smelled the knife and recognized the smell of iron, which causes pain, deprives strength and movement. Drogon is young, but he already has experience licking wounds, he himself was wounded by iron.

Jon Snow was wearing only a sword, but Valyrian steel has a different smell. Therefore, Drogon did not grin at Jon Snow, but shared with him the suffering and anger that with fury had brought down on the enemy – the only significant source of the smell of iron – the Iron Throne.

And he showed his satisfaction with the accomplished revenge.

He won.

What else did Drogon learn by smell, and where did he take Daenerys?

The sequel is in the main video “Where Did Drogon Take Daenerys When She Died”.

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