“House of the Dragon” Season 2 The Greens and The Blacks

What you need to know about The Greens and The Blacks in “House of the Dragon”

In season 2 of “House of the Dragon”, the authors propose to divide the Targaryens into two teams - The Greens and The Blacks. What do these colors mean in “Game of Thrones” and “House of the Dragon”?

The text of the video about The Greens and The Blacks

The Citadel lantern highlights the symbols in the series “Game of Thrones”.

Stannis: “What are you reading?”

Shireen: “The Dance of Dragons.”

Stannis: “What’s it about?”

Shireen: “It’s the story of the fight between Rhaenyra Targaryen and her half-brother Aegon for control over the Seven Kingdoms. Both of them thought they belonged on the Iron Throne.”

In the second season of “House of the Dragon” Targaryens are divided into two teams - Black and Green.

Shireen: “When people started declaring for one of them or the other, their fight divided the kingdoms in two. Brothers fought brothers, dragons fought dragons.”

Helaena: “Hand turns loom; spool of green, spool of black; dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread.”

Helaena's phrase means the following. The dragons are the Targaryens themselves. They split into two camps and create their own symbols: green and black dragons.

Green is the color of Hightowers – a symbol of children or inexperience, immaturity, emotional indiscretions. Learn more in the video “Alicent and the Green Dress”.

Black is a symbol of blindness, not vision, madness. Learn more in the video "Daenerys and Cersei Are the Black Queens and Jon Snow: "It was always my colour".

That is, the Greens against the Blacks means Children who have decided to war against Madmen.

Larys: “The beacon on the High Tower. Do you know what color it glows when Oldtown calls it banners to war?” – “Green?”

Children are driven by instincts and emotions. For example, Children of the Forest created the Night King out of fear, whom they themselves were afraid of.

Madmen are also emotional in their actions. For example, Rhaenyra.

Rhaenyra: “I should declare war because I’m angry?”

And as a result, Rhaenyra starts a war precisely out of anger when she finds out about the death of her son Lucerys.

Since immature Children act as emotionally as Madmen, in the Green camp they also wear black clothes – a symbol of blindness, not vision, madness.

Stannis: ““The Dance of Dragons.” Why is that a dance?”

A dance is danced to music performed by someone else, so a dance in “Game of Thrones” is a symbol of obedience, submission. For example, Margaery's dance is managed by Lady Olenna.

Margaery: “A better dancer than a singer, I’m afraid.”

Viserys: “The idea that we control the dragons is an illusion”.

Targaryens, like dragons, are uncontrollable and blindly obey only their desires. That is, they perform the dance of their uncontrollable desires.

They do not see that they are leading their house to destruction.

Shireen: “By the time it was over, thousands were dead. And it was a disaster for the Targaryens as well. They never truly recovered.”

Rhaenyra: “The only thing that could tear down the House of the Dragon was itself”.

The Greens against the Blacks, Children against Madmen.

Which team is better to choose?

The authors have already answered this question in “Game of Thrones”.

Stannis: “If you had to choose between Rhaenyra and Aegon who would you have chosen?”

Shireen: “I wouldn’t have chosen either. It’s all the choosing sides that made everything so horrible.”

Who will win – the Greens or the Blacks?

The Blacks will. And this is also shown by symbols.

The Hightower dragon is green. Rhaenyra's dragon is black with a red tint. Red is the royal color. It was to Rhaenyra that the white hart came, a symbol of royalty.

And even though Aegon killed Rhaenyra, and she didn't rule for long.

Joffrey: “Rhaenyra Targaryen was murdered by her brother, or rather, his dragon.”

All future Targaryen rulers will be descendants of Rhaenyra, not her brother Aegon.

This is also shows another symbol – a pig, a boar – a symbol of a useless person, which is given to Aegon and his brother Aemond.

The continuation is in the video Rhaenyra and White Hart. The Third Episode of “House of the Dragon”.

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