“I’m alive!” Theon Greyjoy: “What Is Dead May Never Die”

Could Theon Greyjoy have survived, and why Theon Greyjoy is alive

The situation with Theon Greyjoy is an example of how the authors leave a character at death's door in order to then return him to the series. This is done on the principle of "needed or not needed". The Greyjoys are traitors. Ramsay trained Theon and made him loyal. Ramsay tells Theon: “You're no good to me dead. We need you.” Therefore, Theon must be alive to become the embodiment of the words “What is dead may never die”.

The text of the video about Theon Greyjoy

The Citadel lantern highlights the facts in the series “Game of Thrones”.

The fourth episode of the eighth season begins with a funeral scene in which the authors compare how Daenerys says goodbye to Jorah Mormont, and how Sansa says goodbye to Theon Greyjoy. With the apparent similarity, significant differences can be noticed.

Firstly, Daenerys could not give Jorah what he wanted, and in the end she gave nothing, and Sansa gave Theon the maximum of what he wanted – the recognition of the Starks, as evidenced by the symbol of Theon as Stark – a pin with a wolf. That is, Jorah lost, and Theon won.


Tyrion: “Say that word again…” – this is the rule of the game.

With this phrase, the creators of the series suggest that you need to pay attention to the repetition of words and situations in the series. The authors show how Daenerys sets fire to Jorah's body, and it is engulfed in flames. Thus, the authors say goodbye to the character for the second time, that is, finally. And there are no similar shots with Sansa and Theon.

Jorah: “I believe what my eyes and ears report” – this is the rule of the game. Viewers can only imagine the fire engulfing Theon, but not see it. Theon is not shown on fire.

There have already been situations in “Game of Thrones” where the authors left a character on the verge of death in order to then return him to the series.

Arya: “You gonna die?” - Sandor: “Unless there’s a master hiding behind that rock, aye.”

Almost immediately after the funeral, Bran unexpectedly leaves the feast, and just with the maester. Why do the authors show this fact? For a reason.

Bran: “Mostly I live in the past.”

In relation to others, Bran makes decisions based on the principle of “need – not need”

Meera: “You don’t need me anymore” - Bran: “No, I don’t.”

Theon is loyal to Bran, as he is ready to serve his betrayal faithfully, that is, Theon is needed.

Perhaps Bran left the feast because he saw that Theon was alive. He could have rolled down from the fire, there's a lot of space, because the heat goes up.

However, the most important thing is not this opportunity itself, but the fact that as a character, Theon is needed by the authors of the series. With the help of Bran's words, the authors show that the characters remain in the TV series or leave it according to the same principle of "Needed – not needed".

Jaime: “Why didn’t you tell them?” - Bran: “You won’t be able to help us in this fight if I let them murder you first.”

George Martin led Theon for a long time, changing, developing and putting him through trials, made him faithful, so the authors need him alive. This is confirmed by Ramsay's phrase.

Ramsay: “You're no good to me dead. We need you.”

Yara is a minor character who is needed to contrast Theon. Yara does not respect the family words.

Balon: “What is dead may never die” - Yara: “But they did.”

Theon: “What is dead may never die” - Yara: “But kill the bastards anyway.”

Yara distorts the words, which means she violates the rule of the game “Traditions are important.” Yara is shown as a traitor, like the rest of the Greyjoys, and Theon has changed and become loyal. Therefore, Theon must be alive to become the embodiment of the words “What is dead may never die”.

According to the logic of the symbols, it is Theon who should become the king of the Iron Islands. For more information, watch the video "Eight Baths of Theon Greyjoy".

There is another character in the series who is needed alive, and about whom the authors say that he is needed – this is Sandor Clegane.

Берик: “Clegane, we need you!”

Sandor Clegane “Clegane, we need you!”

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